Special Edition: The Write Finds Across the Web

This edition of The Write Finds Across the Web is one you’ll want to bookmark. Why? This list is going to be updated constantly as I gather my favorite writer links be it advice, resources, etc… So enjoy and keep coming back for new links (until I move the links to my other blog)!

How to Write a Novel – Tahereh Mafi
You Can Do It: UtopYA Keynote Address – Myra McEntire
Craving – Jessica Spotswood
Reasons Why Your Non-Writer Friends Think You’re Crazy – Veronica Roth
Publishing Road Map – YA Highway
Nathan Bransford’s Blog
Story Time – Veronica Roth
Blog Highlights: National Novel Publicity Month – Marissa Meyer
Feeding Another Quarter to the Hype Machine – Lauren Destefano