Trailer: New Year’s Eve

If you enjoyed Gary Marshall’s Valentine’s Day, which I did, then you will definitely enjoy New Year’s Eve which comes out this December. The film stars some of my favorite actors including Julie Andrews, Alyssa Milano, Hilary Swank, Katherine Heigl, Ashton Kutcher (Valentine’s Day), Michelle Pfeiffer, and Josh Duhamel. That’s not even half of the faces that you’ll recognize in this ensemble romantic comedy. Though based on the trailer, I feel like Valentine’s Day is going to hold a bigger place in my heart. Odd since I favor the holiday, New Year’s Eve more than Valentine’s Day. But we’ll see! I am very excited for the film’s release and will be sure to be one of the first in line to see it. What do you think?

New Year’s Eve releases in theaters December 8, 2011.