Big Brother 13 First Impressions

Big Brother 13 premieres tomorrow night and with the release of the introductory interviews both from and We Love Big Brother, I have been gathering together my first impressions before the premiere episode. I love looking back on my first impressions after the season premiere and especially at the end of the season to see how wrong I was! And yet, I still do it anyway! So, here goes…

From L to R: Adam, Cassi, Dominic, Kalia, Keith, Lawon, Porsche, Shelly

Cassi Colvin – I love her Texas accent and I cannot wait to see this 26 year old model play the game since she has not seen the show before and therefor has no strategy! Cassi says in the WLBB interview that she has more guy friends than girl friends, so it will be interesting to see who she aligns herself with in the beginning and then throughout the game. She also mentions that she hates judgmental and disrespectful people and she tries to be fair about people’s boundaries… based on the judgmental and disrespectful actions of some contestants from past seasons we will see how long her fairness lasts in this house. While it’s great to be a fair person in every day life, the game of Big Brother is not real life and she should not be expecting a fair game in any sense of the word. She seems like a really smart girl who will catch on to the game easily, so I cannot wait to see how this newbie plays the game while holding onto her character.

Kalia Booker – As a writer from NJ, it is exciting to see a writer from Philly on the show, so I am rooting for Kalia already. As a former vegetarian myself, it is always a thrill to see a vegetarian on the show. Comparisons aside, the woman has seen every season of the show, so it’s no surprise that she wants to throw the first HoH after 5 or 6 people go down. Knowing the game, being comfortable in her skin, and being the fun and vivacious woman that she is, I know that I am going to love watching her this season. ow before watching the interviews, I thought to myself that she would be very annoying, and after viewing the interviews, I can see why some people may still think that but I see more positive than negative and am looking forward to watching how she plays the game. She has a lot of good energy but behind the smile and laughs, she looks like someone who will not hesitate to tell you off. So, who knows what we can expect other than a very calculated game.

Shelly Moore – The oldest contestant this season (1t 41 years old) has watched BB since season one and has seen the live feed in the past few years. Refusing to be a floater and striving to play hard and good, I already like where she’s headed in the game. While a good natured person, she acknowledges that this is a game, not every day life and is wiling to do what it takes to win the game like lying for example. She’s a corporate exec who helps entrepreneurs launch and market their products so she has a lot to bring to the plate. While classy and respectful, she knows how to have fun and be a little ruthless so that will be exciting to see. She wants a guy and a girl in her alliance, which is a good idea but will that be enough in the alliance to take her to the finals? She is very much a people’s person and because of that, I really respect her character… in that way she reminds me of Remy and Amber. She hates egomaniacs, as quite a number of this year’s contestants do, so that should not be a problem this season. Of the ladies, she seems to be my favorite female just based on character. As far as game, well, it is too early to tell. Kalia may give her a run for her money if they don’t become an alliance. Both ladies have seen every season of the show and both seem to have plans for the game, so it might be in their best interests to come together.

Porsche Briggs – Seemingly the youngest competitor in the game this season (at 23 years old), this South Fla waitress has seen the show a few times and hopes to be a floater (which includes throwing the first HoH). Floating throughout the first 3 weeks I can understand, but floating throughout the entire game is not going to win me or any other big BB fan over. She’s the type of person I’d like to see gone as soon as possible just because of saying that she wants to float. Also, I find it laughable that she does not plan to lie, cheat, or back-stab too many people if she doesn’t have to. She clearly has not seen enough of this game. You can float and play with dignity but to do both and win is rare. Not making too many enemies might be easy since she seems friendly and says that she can convince people to do whatever she wants. That latter part make work in her favor or some people might see right through her pretty face. But admitting that she acts before she thinks throws the not making enemies too quickly plan out the window. Basically, this girl seems all over the place. She’s likable but doesn’t seem like a major player. I’d like to see her play hard but does she have it in her? Also, based on her “type,” it will be interesting to see if she finds Dominic attractive. We’ll see soon enough!

Keith Henderson – This guy is another player who has seen every season of the show. Also like a few past contestants, he is a Christian. But Christians are still human, so to criticize past Christian players for cursing only to choose lust over love in the “This or That” game in one of the introductory interviews and talk about hooking up in the house… he just rubs me the wrong way. Every person, Christian or not has their Achilles heal, so it would be better to just take the Christian label off so as not to hurt his own image, Deacon. This twin plans on winning the first HoH and creating an alliance with 3 girls (Keith’s Angels) who will then create their own alliances so as to have control of the entire house and have everybody do his dirty work. I don’t think his plan is going to work. He claims that he can read people very well and is a people pleaser… and I believe these qualities will take him farther in the game than his dreamt up alliance and winning the first HoH. So, as of right now he is not a favorite player of mine personally or game wise. I just don’t think that he has thought his game plan out well enough, realistically. Having control of the whole has has been done before and having people do dirty work has been done before but something about his plan seems too fantasy and fun driven than serious game face on driven. Hopefully, that makes sense. I’d love to be wrong about him, so hopefully I am.

Dominic Briones – This 25 year old model and bio chem student who still lives at home hasn’t seen the show and applied by his agent’s suggestion. All that said, he seems like he is actually really looking forward to playing this game. Based on the footage he was shown to be prepared for the game, he liked that Jeff wasn’t sneaky or conniving and also says that Rachel, Remy, and Jessie would annoy him in the house. Interestingly enough, 2/3 of those people just might be in the house with him – but more on that later. His game plan is to lay low in the first two weeks and see who is drama free before he makes an alliance and makes a power move. Two weeks is a long time to wait before making an alliance. It could work but the game begins once you walk in the door, so he may be in for a rude awakening about a lot of things as the game goes on. He says that it is hard for him to lie over a period of time, as it should be, and he seems like a very humble, stand up guy. So right now, he’s not a major threat but he could be on the ride of his life on this show which could be more of an experience than any modeling gig could ever be. If he learns the ropes of this game quick enough and plays his cards right, he could be in the finals.

Adam Poch – There’s always someone from Jersey it seems on this show and this time, it’s someone I am rooting for right away. Makes us look good Adam, please! There is no one from Jersey that is currently on TV and making a good impression, so you are it! A BB viewer since season one, live feeds and Showtime Afte Dark viewer as well, Adam is in it to win it. What I find interesting about his game plan is that he wants to win the first HoH to guarantee his first 2 weeks so that he can make nice with everybody. Looking it from that way as opposed to being the first target is refreshing. Hopefully he is likable enough to not seem like such a huge threat early on. How he can win the first HoH and not play the game so quickly (like Ronnie did, he mentions in an introductory interview) seems contradictory but he is very convincing, so this could work. Another interesting strategy is to guide the floaters for help in taking out the bigger competition. He thinks outside of the box and I like that! I’d love to seem him achieve this goal. Although he has a temper when you push his buttons, and despises stupid people (who don’t think before they do) and elitists – so if all of that doesn’t get in the way, he may just be able to pull of his strategies. Let’s hope this guy stays in the game long enough to make a big play!

Lawon Exum – Also having seen every season of the show, Lawon says that he his most like Will because what you seee is what you get (charisma and interestingly enough vanity). Lawon has a big personality which people will either love or hate. Right now, he just seems like comic relief (especially with his Lady Gaga fashion sense) but it’s those quirky and likable people that float their way through the game even when they are playing hard. Throwing the first HoH won’t be a challenge for him nor will meshing with the “bad guys” of the house with his sneaky self. Call a snake a snake. He seems like one. Whether that helps him or harms him is anybody’s guess since the game changes so much from week to week. No matter what happens, he’s great TV and it’s no wonder why he was cast. He’s going to bring a great game, I can feel it!

There’s a lot of diversity this season in many fashions of the sort, so I am very excited to see that! Now it seems there will be two or three pairs of BB alumni filling out the other four spaces of contestants this season. The main possibilities are Rachel & Brendan, Dick & Daniele, Hayden & Enzo, Jessie & Natalie, Jeff & Jordan, and Dr. Will & Mike “Boogie.” Having not seen the season in which the latter pair were on (I know, I need to ASAP), I would rather not see them on the show for my own sake. I cannot stand Natalie and am almost as annoyed with Jessie as I am with her so if they go back into the house, I don’t know how I am going to stay tuned in 3x a week. I’d rather not see Rachel & Brendan back in the house, but I can tolerate them. And the remaining three pairs I would love to see back in the house, especially Dick and Daniele. Season 8 was the first season I watched of the show and it turned out to be one of the most unforgettable of the series so it would be fantastic to see those two in the game again. They play a mean game though and everybody knows it, so it would be interesting to see how long they would last. I don’t know about you, but I’d love to see them take the entire game again!

Big Brother 13 premieres tomorrow night at 9/8c on CBS.