New Season of Big Brother is Less Than One Month Away

As of yesterday, Big Brother 13 is less than one month away! I do not know what I am more excited for, San Diego Comic Con or the new season of Big Brother! But Big Brother starts first, so expect a lot of BB blogging over the next 3 months come the end of this month!

Stay tuned for the cast reveal and my first impressions of the house guests based on the introductory interviews that should be released within the next three weeks.

During the season, I will be checking my favorite Big Brother fan sites, Big Brother Dish and Joker’s Updates regularly as well as blogging regularly about the season (when it airs on CBS as well as the After Dark coverage on Showtime and anything host, Julie Chen mentions on The Talk).

Is anybody else as excited as I am about a new season of HoH competitions, nomination ceremonies, PoV competitions, live evictions, BB twists, and more than enough drama to hold me over until Big Brother 14?!

Be sure to tune in to the Big Brother 13 premiere Thursday, July 7, 2011 at 9/8 c on CBS.