Characters Unite

On Monday, November 29th, in support of the Characters Unite Campaign, USA is encouraging everyone to participate in our Characters Unite profile takeover.

The Characters Unite Campaign is a movement committed to combating intolerance, prejudice, discrimination and hate, and to promoting greater acceptance, understanding and mutual respect.

Donate your Facebook or Twitter profile to the Characters Unite campaign and let all of your Friends, Fans, and Followers know that you support a tolerant, more understanding USA.

USA has pledged to donate $1 for every pledge made over the next four weeks. You can do your part to help raise money to fight intolerance, prejudice, discrimination and hate by taking the pledge here.

The Pledge:
“As a character of the USA, I pledge to stand against intolerance, prejudice, discrimination and hate, and to promote greater understanding and acceptance. I believe life is richer and we are stronger as a country when we see beyond stereotypes and appreciate each other for the characters we are. After all, characters are what make us, USA.”