My Friday at San Diego Comic Con 2010

Friday’s events included eight panels that I attended, starting with Stargate Universe and Caprica.

Note: Click photos to enlarge.

Stargate Universe and Caprica
I was incredibly excited about the footage that would be shown for the upcoming seasons of these shows, since both shows reached the top of my lists for incredible mid-season finales. There was so much shown in the sneak peeks, that I fear I would not even know how to explain it all! So I won’t. Lots of spoilers were shown, nothing incredibly major but just enough for me to understand the direction both shows are going when they return. The casts and crews did not hold back during the panels, which made me incredibly excited. If they were able to show all that they showed and give away all that they have, there has got to be even more in store for the season that has yet to be revealed. So there is no doubt that I am looking forward to the return of both shows. I will share two things…Young has knowledge that he is unwilling to share with those on board Destiny and the cylon is not the only version of Zoe. Also, shout out to David Blue for having his Twitter followers shout “Whoop Whoop” when he walked out on stage for the SGU panel! I whooped. Did you?

The Big Bang Theory
This show was always on my radar, but it wasn’t until 2 years ago that I sat through a Big Bang panel to see another one that I actually became more interested in actually watching the show. I was incredibly entertained by the cast in the show’s panels over the past few years and this year did not disappoint. Though there weren’t nearly as many hilarious stories from off the set, there was still a lot to appreciate…including the surprise performance by Barenaked Ladies, who sing the show’s theme song and Kaley Cuoco leading the audience into the “Soft Kitty” song. Let’s just say, if the cast had a musical episode, this is the perfect lead in panel into that! The question was asked if the cast would ever shoot an episode at Comic Con and of course it would be too hectic, but if they find a way to replicate it on stage, they will! There was no new footage to show as usual, so a Season 3 highlights reel was shown and that was just as satisfying. If you go to Comic Con and you do not watch this show, something is seriously wrong with you!

Ever since Bones began its syndication on TNT, I have been watching the show. While I have not watched everyday and do not watch the show live (aside from holiday themed episodes and episodes with certain guest stars), I was quite excited to see Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz, especially since David was unable to make it to Comic Con last year due to the approaching birth of his baby. There seemed to be more Vegan jokes than anything else and as a former vegetarian and someone who wants to become a vegetarian again, Emily is inspiring. But the point of the panel was for Bones and if you want some scoop, you should head over to a Bones fan site since I don’t have it. What I do have to share is that Emily and the cast would love to have Emily’s sister, Zooey guest star again. I would love that too! How about you?

The Joss Whedon Experience
I felt like once you’ve been to a “Joss Whedon Experience” panel before, you don’t necessarily need to go again unless you have a question for Joss. Joss talks for the first few minutes and then leaves the rest of the time open for fans to ask questions. One question and answer I found to be pretty rad. The questioner said that Joss has created so many strong female leads for shows but would he be open to creating a strong gay character as a lead. Joss said yes, which is awesome. Groundbreaking. So I am looking forward to where he goes with those possible plans. There were lots of great questions asked and it was such a nice intimate setting with the fans that fans could clearly tell Joss appreciated very much.

Entertainment Weekly presents Women Who Kick Ass
This panel is always quite fun since there is always a variety of incredibly talented, strong, sexy, and thought provoking women who have made and are making a strong impact as a female actress in Hollywood. Some spoke more than others (cough*Jena Malone, who I now admire*cough) but everyone was very well spoken and the conversation flowed quite nicely as opposed to it being some sort of feminist debate. The self analysis of these women as individuals and of the roles that they have played was interesting to say the least. I cannot wait to see each and every one of them on the small screen and big screen later this year, next year, and so on.

True Blood
Most of the Comic Con attendees in Ballroom 20 on this particular day where here for one panel and that panel was the True Blood panel. The crowd was ecstatic about the cast making an appearance…it was quite a surreal experience to be part of. The cast of True Blood seemed like The Beatles for a moment. My only complaint is that author, Charlaine Harris couldn’t get too many words in and since I missed her panel I wanted to get a handful of input at this panel. One thing that she did say was that what’s in the books should not necessarily be expected on screen since her and Alan Ball have different visions for where they see these characters going. So I definitely need to pick up the series to get the best of both worlds. If you missed this panel, you missed out on True Blood fan hysteria and a bit of insight as to what to expect for the future of the series.

TV Guide: The Hot List
As always, Zachary Levi (Chuck) dominated this panel. His fans, myself included cheered him on after every word. Everyone on the panel was fascinated with how vocal his fan base was during the panel but everyone did get a chance to speak (whether heavy crowd cheering or polite clapping ensued). One clip was shown per show represented on the panel and the only new clips were the two representing the new series, No Ordinary Family and The Cape. It’s interesting because I don’t feel that the clip chosen for No Ordinary Family was intriguing and I am interested in the show, but the clip for the show, The Cape was intriguing and I am not all that interested in the show. So it will be interesting to get the feedback for the Pilot of both shows once they air this fall.