My Very Brief Take On Lost: The End

When Lost premiered, I watched the first season. I enjoyed the first season, but I was dedicated to so many other shows that my dedication to Lost halted. Years later, in the summer of 2008, I finally was able to and decided to catch up with the show and watched seasons 2-4 in less than 2 weeks. I was caught up! So in between seasons 4 and 5, I began listening to the Lost Podcast with Jay & Jack who have greatly helped me understand and appreciate this show so much more than I originally did. So I cannot wait to hear their take on the final episode of Lost, which aired last night. But here are my initial thoughts of the finale.

At first, I thought that the island was limbo and everyone was “lost” before they found their way. But when putting the flash sideways into the equation…it seems that actually the flash sideways was where the characters were in purgatory. So once those in the flash sideways regained their memories, they were then able to find their way to the church and move on. As Christian Shephard said in the last few minutes of the show, the island and everything that happened on it was real. So the island was real, the flash sideways purgatory. He also said how some died before Jack and some after. So it seems to me that Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Frank, Richard, and Miles died after him. Some might ask if everyone died at different times, why were they all together at the church. Everyone was going to the church to move on at the same time because they all needed each other to remember and let go, just as Christian said to Jack. Everything that Christian says in the last few moments of the show really explains so much, so well. Definitely re-watch it if you are feeling a little lost. I believe the island was all about redemption and finding one’s destiny – the most important part of Jack’s life (as Christian said) and really everyone’s lives. So when Oceanic 815 crashed, fate kicked into overdrive and that was the beginning of everyone really finding their way. That was the beginning of the end.

These are just my initial thoughts and I was not one of those fans who analyzed every little thing throughout the seasons, so I cannot be as detailed as others right off the bat with my complete understanding of the show. I would love to watch the entire series from the beginning again to put all of what I know now into what I didn’t know then, perhaps put some pieces together. I’m sure I will still have some questions even after I watch the series over again and even after questions are answered on the DVD that will be released in August…but that is what is so wonderful about this show. It was so spiritual, so profound…but it just wouldn’t seem fitting to have all of the answers to a show titled, “Lost.” So with that said, I loved the series, loved the finale, and I didn’t mind and still don’t being a little lost in this entire journey.