Bobby Coleman In The Last Song

You’ve read the book since my review and seen the film since its release earlier this month, and now The Last Song star Bobby Coleman is here to talk about his role in the hit movie. Check it out:

Can you tell me how your audition went for the role of Jonah in The Last Song?
In the audition, there was one part that was kind of hard and that was when I had to cry. That’s always nerve wrecking and hard but the audition went well and I think it went well in the film too. That was the big thing I was nervous about going into the audition. Also, at the audition I had short hair because I had shot a film earlier, Snowmen where I had to shave my head since I played a cancer patient. So I went in thinking I probably wasn’t going to get it…I had never had short hair going into an audition but when I walked in, Tish (Cyrus) said, “Finally a kid with short hair.”

What did you bring to your character that wasn’t originally there?
On set we would just play around and adlib. They took out this line but it’ in the trailer, “Vegetarian dad, she’s been a vegetarian for a year and a half. It’s ridiculous.” Different thinks like that I added.

That’s pretty interesting since, aren’t you a vegetarian?
Yeah, I have been vegetarian for 6 years. This past 3 months I have started eating chicken so that I can get a little more protein. I think I’m going to go back to being a vegetarian when I stop growing.

Now was it your choice to become vegetarian or is your family vegetarian?
It was totally my decision. I was 6 years old when I put together how the chicken that I was eating was the chicken that I play with and feed when I’m at the zoo. So that’s when I decided that I would be vegetarian and umm it’s been fun. My parents and my sister are not vegetarian at all.

What was your favorite part about filming on the East Coast rather than at home in California?
There are tress and plants and life everywhere. There are trees here, in like a designated park but there its wildlife everywhere and such a beautiful beach. At home we live an hour away from the beach and even though we are close, we don’t go very often but while filming we went quite often and it was beautiful.

Since the film is based in the summer, I want to know what are you looking forward to doing this summer?
I don’t know…just hanging out with my friends. I just went on a trip with my friends over Spring Break to the Grand Canyon and that was a lot of fun.

What did you take from your relationship with your real life sister and apply to your relationship with your on screen sibling, Miley Cyrus?
Me and my sister don’t really fight at all. We are really good friends. Ronnie and Jonah aren’t as good friends…there are a couple of moments where you see that we love each other – and then we turn around and snap at each other. They fight just a little bit more but in the movie and in real life, we know we love each other.

Now what are your upcoming projects?
I finished Robosapien. In the movie, I find a hi-tech robot person. I fix it up and he becomes my friend in the movie. I have no idea when that is coming out. Then there’s Snowmen that’s playing at the Tribeca Film Festival, so that is exciting. I think my dad & I are going to go and have a great time so I’m excited about that. I play a cancer patient and it was a hard movie to do but it was also fun too since we filmed in Utah when it snowed.

The Last Song is in theaters now and in bookstores now.

Also, check out Hollywood the Write Way’s interview with The Last Song Actress, Melissa Ordway.