Book Review: Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid

Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid: The Simple Truth to a Complicated Relationship is one of the most hilarious page turning relationship books that you will read, which is written by comedy writers and real-life couple Howard J. Morris (The Starter Wife) and Jenny Lee (Samantha Who?).

Which came first, the crazy or the stupid?

It’s the million-dollar question we all want the answer to. Are women crazy because men are stupid? Or are men stupid because women are crazy? Not surprisingly, the way we answer these two questions divides us quite neatly along gender lines. Because, let’s face it, we all have a lot invested in the answer. Women maintain that over the course of their lives they are driven slowly and methodically crazy by stupid men. And men maintain that it’s impossible for any man to act smartly with a women who’s out of her freaking mind. If we can just prove one came first, the other side will have blaming rights for all eternity.

Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid starts off answering which came first, the stupid or the crazy and it shouldn’t surprise you that it all started on the playground when boys discovered girls. This was the perfect build up to the incredibly honest and humorous scenarios that played out in Morris and Lee’s relationships over the years. The book is divided into 11 chapters and is written in a format where Morris writes a chapter and Lee piggybacks off of his writings. It is so refreshing to read and understand a relationship from both points of view.

Even if you’re not in a relationship, there is great insight that you will appreciate very much after reading. You know how you are telling somebody off on the internet and then write “lol” to lighten up the mood? This book is lighthearted and full of laughs but in the end, brings such clarity to certain scenarios that will help make your relationship so much better. Both writers have been married and divorced before, so there is a hysterical joke that they have, “That is so first marriage” which will make you laugh at first but these words along with every word in this book has incredible depth to it.

Women and men from any stage of a relationship as well as single women and men can certainly relate, or should I say, sympathize or empathize with all of the scenarios laid out, making this an incredibly entertaining and quick read (can read in one sitting). What readers may find to be quite hysterical is Jenny Lee’s bit on what flowers are to men, pizza. To find out what pizza actually means, read the book! Let’s just say, Jenny loves flowers but doesn’t get it enough and here’s an excerpt about pizza.

In the beginning of a relationship men may get pizza a lot, and may even get pizza a few days in a row or even twice a day if they are lucky, but in general, I’m willing to climb out on a limb and wave to you from above and say that men don’t get pizza as often as they would like.

Yeah. So, very straight forward. Witty jokes aside though, there is a lot of sound advice in this book about honesty, sacrifice, consistency, how to redeem yourself when you make mistakes, and more. The book really comes full circle as it starts out not as positive as one would think and yet ends leaving readers full of so much hope for what’s to come. Overall, this book answers wonderfully “why do we do the things that we do?” and very well outlines the effects of those decisions made amongst men and women. Read and learn my friends, read and learn.

Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid is in stores now.

The Pilot for Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid has been picked up by ABC so stay tuned for information on this exciting development!