You are most familiar with Dave Hanson from his appearances on Chelsea Lately but this comedian is also a very talented writer and actor – having written for Chelsea Lately for 2 years and appeared on one of my favorite shows, Ghost Whisperer. To get to know more about Dave, keep reading after the photo.
How did you get involved with Chelsea Lately?
Back when I was a doorman at a Hollywood Improv comedy club, I knew many of the writers that have been a part of Chelsea Lately today. So the writers and I started brainstorming monologue jokes for her original show and the writers let her know that I was responsible for some of the jokes, so when Chelsea Lately came around I became hired originally as a writer’s assistant and moved up from there.
Was it more fun to write or be on the round table?
They are both fun but there is more fun in writing the show because there is no pressure other than trying to get it done but with the show, it is nerve wrecking because you are on the spot and you have to have a good joke on air. Chelsea is quick on her feet, she is really good off the cuff.
What was your favorite celebrity to talk about?
Talking about Michael Lohan was hilarious. For some reason I ended up playing him in the sketches…and it was fun. During the election, we got to take a break from pop culture and focus on the political so that was fun. It was great to see a new side from all of the writers.
Where do you go for inspiration to beat the writer’s block?
I go to Starbucks to focus, yes I’m that guy! As far as ideas, they just come anytime anywhere – always have a pen and paper with you to write down ideas that come.
What advice do you have for those who want to be in stand up?
Just do it! Don’t wait until you feel you have your jokes ready, a solid 5 minutes of material, just find an open mic and get up and tell whatever you think is funny. The odds are, you are going to bomb regardless, so you’ll know right away whether you like it or not. Don’t invite any family or friends, just go out and try it and decide if you like doing stand up or not.
I really loved you in Ghost Whisperer a few years back. Would you do something like that again?
Absolutely, that was such a fun experience. Jennifer Love Hewitt is an incredible person to work with and talk to. I would love to guest star on that show or any other. Yes, for sure.
Tell me about your upcoming acting projects.
I am traveling around the country with my comedy and I also had a lot of fun working on a feature film which has been exciting as a writer since I have never had a project of my own go through this process. I am also working on a TV Pilot so it has been a busy couple of months and it is all very exciting.
Can you tell me more about the feature film and Pilot?
I co-wrote the feature film with my writing partner and the TV Pilot is something that I am producing. The TV Pilot is full on geek-nerd-science fiction. The only person on the Chelsea Lately staff that would truly appreciate it is Guy Branum because he is a nerd like me. It is so much fun going from late night TV to science fiction since I grew up on science fiction.
Do you like pitching?
It’s a lot of fun but it is incredibly challenging. It is amazing how terrible you are when you start. I have a lot of respect for screenwriters because it is a challenge.
What was it like studying at Oxford University?
The actors and artists that I got to train under, that experience was amazing. I still keep in touch with some of the them. I also came back with a new understanding of theatre and acting, it was a fantastic place to be.
Visit Dave Hanson here.