Transylmania opens in theaters today and I was thrilled to speak with cast member Patrick Cavanaugh about the film, vampire craze, and of course Mad Men!
How did you get involved with Transylmania and what was the audition process like?
Well, luckily I had done a few films with Scott and David Hillenbrand prior to Transylmania, so I didn’t have to audition. They called and said we are going to Romania and I said, “I am in!”
Can you talk about your character in the film?
I play Pete, and I like to think of him as a lovable loser. He’s just a guy that would rather hang with his buddy Wang, get high and not sweat the small stuff in life, the small stuff being going to class and being a responsible young adult. I like that he’s such a free spirit!
What are your favorite elements of a vampire story?
I love that they can’t be in direct sunlight, so you know that if us mortals can make it through the night, we have a fighting chance during the day. That, and they need blood to survive, so you always know what they are after. It’s fun to see all the new ways people invent for them to actually obtain the blood.
What do you think it is about vampires that everyone loves?
I think vampires bring an element of mystery, and mystery usually is sexy. And everyone likes sexy!
Are you into any vampire films & TV shows?
I love me some True Blood. I think Allen Ball is a genius! To go from such an emotional roller coaster like Six Feet Under, to a fun, over the top show like True Blood, it just speaks volumes about his talent and creativity!
Are you into producing and directing?
I find both very intriguing, but right now I am very focused on my acting career. I hope with more success in front of the camera, that will lead to opportunities to produce and direct in the future.
Are you on Twitter?
I am, though I am just getting started with it. My Twitter name is patcav. I’m pretty sure it’s not called a Twitter name, so that shows how much I still have to learn about this Twitter thing. Oh kids these days!
What has been the best part about working on Mad Men?
First of all, I was a big fan before I even started on the show, so you can imagine how excited I was to get the booking call. I think the best part of working on the show is feeling like you are literally traveling back in time when you put on your costume, get your hair and makeup done and walk on to the amazing sets. Matthew Weiner leaves no detail untouched. He really is making art for television.
What story lines in the show have you taken a liking to the most?
Well, I am bias to Kurt and Smitty and all the fun hijinks that we get into. But as far as main story lines, I really love Peggy’s journey and seeing how well Elizabeth Moss plays her inner struggle. She says so much with just her eyes! I also think the last three episodes of season 3 were phenomenal! Fans have been waiting three years for all that to play out and they did such a superb job with how it all unfolded.
What is your favorite set or prop piece?
I’m gonna have to go with the John Deere riding mower!
Who would you say of the writers and producers of Mad Men you have learned from the most (about putting together the show, the business, etc…)?
I gotta go with the big boss, Matthew Weiner. He has a vision and he executes it with such precision. But you can tell he has fun doing it!
One night we were shooting into the wee hours of the morning, it must have been 3 or 4am at this point. I was sitting in a chair in between takes and Matt came up and sat down beside me. We sat there in silence for a few seconds and I looked over at him, and with a huge smile on his face, he said to me, “This is our job.” And he got up and walked away with this almost child-like spring to his step. It was just such a great reminder to see even the head of our show, as tired as he may have been from a LONG week at 4am, still realized how lucky we all are to be working on such a great show.
Which actors would you like to work with more on Mad Men?
I think John Slattery is a riot and always have fun when he is on set.
What is your favorite part about the holiday season?
What are your upcoming projects?
I just wrapped a movie called Brand Dead recently. I also have two animation pilots with Disney that I am waiting to hear if we are picked up. Pilot season is just around the corner, so back to the audition grind!
What is your favorite part about the holiday season?
Getting to go home and be with my family. It’s the one time of year when I go home, I know that EVERYONE will be there. That and eating until I can’t eat anymore!
Transylmania is in theaters now.