Catching Up With Arden Myrin

You’re most familiar with Arden Myrin from MAD TV and Chelsea Lately and here today, Arden talks about all of that and more! Below, Arden talks about the new Chelsea Handler pilot, her past work, her art, writing, and so much more!

Who has been your favorite celebrity or what has been your favorite celebrity scandal to talk about on Chelsea Lately?
I like the people that are acting for it themselves. Lindsay Lohan’s father set himself up for our round table (laughs). Also, we were going to do something about Ashlee Simpson getting cut from Melrose Place and I was excited about that.

What shows would you like to create skits for on Chelsea Lately?
I’m obsessed with the new format of The Insider where it’s a debate format. Chelsea and some of the round table regulars, including me shot a pilot for E! that might be coming on after Chelsea Lately… It makes fun of those shows. It feels like they are political shows but really it’s just Jon Gosselin. So I was excited to get the chance to do a parody of that. Also, I wouldn’t mind doing a parody of Glee because it would be so much fun to burst into song.

I noticed you post a lot on your blog about your friends in theatre but what about you?
I’ve done some straight theatre in NY but I’ve never done a musical. I would love to, I would love to play Adelaide in Guys & Dolls. That would be awesome.

On MAD TV, what was your favorite role to play?
I actually enjoyed loved the improv went they sent me to cover red carpets. Those were my favorite. They kind of scared me the most since it wasn’t scripted but I found that I like seeing what I can get people into. You can get away with more and it’s spontaneous.

You have also appeared in the hit movies, What Women Want, Bubble Boy, Christmas with the Kranks, and Evan Almighty. Which film was your favorite experience?
Working with Woody Allen was amazing, especially since it was my first movie. The Lucky Ones was a lovely experience. Working with Rachel McAdams was wonderful.

Did you keep a journal in high school/college?
I wrote plays in high school. My brother used to read my journal so I didn’t keep one until later on. But I would write and direct plays in high school.

What has been a once in a lifetime experience for you?
I was an intern at Conan O’ Brien and I got to be on Conan twice so to go from making coffees and being the copy girl to being a guest…it was just such a dream come true. Getting to work with Woody Allen was amazing. This past Spring I got to shoot in between Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton all day. It was insane. You just have these insane moments.

Have you ever had your own art show?
My friend has a gallery in LA and she has offered but I never have. My Grandfather was an artist but I just draw for fun. I think I would like to do that one day, I would also like to publish a children’s book. I am excited to see Tim Burton’s Exhibit in NY soon.

How often do you go back home to Rhode Island?
About 3 times a year, for about a week or so. I love being home! I’m going there for Thanksgiving.

What are the pros and cons of living in LA vs. living in NY?
When I dreamt as a little kid, I always pictured my life in NY. I love the theatre, I love the seasons, and I like that it is more balanced here…where you are not as defined by what you do. I love watching people in the subway. I love walking around. I feel more social here. LA, I didn’t really like the sunshine…when I moved there for a job, I didn’t know my way around. Once I found my way around and made friends, that was good but I still feel isolated there. I love that there are so many talented people there and I do like hiking but if I had to pick one, it would be NY. I love LA, it did win me over but NY is my home.

What are your upcoming projects?
Morning Glory is the film with Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton. I also did a movie with Jenna Fischer and Chris O’Donnell called A Little Help. I just shot an episode of Party Down (Starz) that will air in the Spring. Hopefully this Pilot that we did for Chelsea Handler will get picked up too!

So what is the title of the Pilot and what is your involvement?
I am the host of the show and it is called Hollywood Today Tonight. It has the same head writers as Chelsea Lately. Brad Wollack wrote it, Heather McDonald, Ross Matthews, and other regular round table guests appear as well.

For more Arden Myrin, check out her blog.