Reviewing The Beatles Remastered

The week of 9/9/09 I received an introduction sampler of the remastered Beatles catalogue. This included 32 songs from the 14 albums released by The Beatles and included some of my favorites, “All My Loving,” “If I Fell,” and “Come Together.” I even found some new favorite songs, including “Eight Days A Week” and “Two of Us.”

This is a fabulous introduction to the entire catalogue. This remastered catalogue is long-overdue, as all of these classics sound better than ever! This music sound brilliant whether you are listening with your earphones or a high-end system. When listening, you will find that there is just so much clarity in every instrument and in every word that is sung. You may hear instruments that you didn’t even realize were in the songs. The instrumental range seems so much more dynamic now.

The layered vocals have so much more definition. Every song seems so much more rich and alive. This is definitely a must have for any Beatles fan, so you better get your remastered catalogue as soon as you can! You will not be disappointed because this is how The Beatles were meant to be heard. So go get your catalogue today!

Also, check out what Lily Allen & Priscilla Ahn have to say about The Beatles!