Review: iCarly Season 2 Vol 1 DVD

Earlier this year, I started watching iCarly with my younger sister and ended up laughing louder than she was. I find this show so incredibly entertaining! Needles to say, I am a fan and was pretty excited to be able to be able to review iCarly Season 2 Volume 1 on DVD.

Get ready for more iCarly hilarity with brand-new web segments, special guest star appearances, and exciting episodes from Season 2, including iCarly’s first web award nomination and the kiss that shocked the world!

There are 10 episodes and 1 TV movie in this volume and I enjoyed it all. The extended version of the episode, “iSaw Him First” was enjoyable to see. iCarly is such a great show because it focuses on the web show just as much as it does with what is going on with the characters in their everyday lives. Every character is molded so well for every storyline.

Viewers will take a lot of life lessons out of this volume, and here’s some what they will learn…don’t date the same person as your best friend, don’t get addicted to material things, make sure you do what you can to pay back your friends if you borrow money, and do what good that you can to the people that you hurt unintentionally. These lessons are all very beneficial and are tied in so well.

The writing is superb. My personal favorite episode is, “iPie” as it seems to be the funniest episode in the volume and who doesn’t love pie? A fan favorite would have to be “iChristmas” since it is an alternate reality episode, which the actors did a superb job on. The episode “iKiss” was written and directed tastefully (this is Nickelodeon) and there was a refreshing tie in with a real life web star in the episode “iMeet Fred.” A favorite quote would have to be from the episodes, “iGive Away A Car.” Carly says, “Why don’t you keep this in your jewelery box,” and Freddy replies after an awkward silence, “My mom wanted a daughter, okay” and storms off. This is just one of the many memorable quotes in the volume.

Speaking of memorable, this volume had some fantastic special guests, including American Idol alumni, David Archuleta. The TV movie, “iGo to Japan” is such a thrill to watch as it is action packed, some scenes are not shot onstage, there are more elaborate sets and many new interesting characters. Good Charlotte makes a special guest performance in this episode and it is so refreshing to have a band not attached to Nickelodeon guest star and sing. That is why I like Nickelodeon, they use their own stars but also branch out and embrace American Popular Culture. Overall, every episode of this volume was incredibly entertaining and is definitely something that all ages can enjoy.

As for the Special Features
Disc 1 holds The Making of ‘iGo to Japan’ which lets fan take an inside look on behind the scenes, the fight scene, and stunt. Each of these features last for a very short amount of time. In “Behind the Scenes,” the cast members are interviewed and talk about what is going on in the TV movie, there are some funny moments in these interview bits, and viewers will see the cast shooting. In “Fight Scene,” Ally Moki and Harry Shum Jr. talk about choreography for the scene and talk about having a body double. This seemed to be the most interesting feature on the disc. In “Stunts,” the cast talks about jumping out of the airplane and such. All throughout, there are fun facts viewers will pick up…such as there were only 5 rows of extras for the filming of the iWeb Awards.
In Disc 2, viewers will get quite a few Behind the Scene Extras. These extras are just as equally short as the special features on the first disc, as the extras are “Extra Scoop” as seen on Turbo Nick. In “CB Radio,” viewers get to see what the cast members would name themselves for their trucker nicknames. This is fun, as I am sure many viewers will pause and come up with their own! In “Meet Fred,” Jennette interviews Lucas, the creator of the character, Fred and we find out how the character was created and more. I find this extra to be one of the most important ones on the special features, as it really is a reminder of what the show is, kids having fun on the web. The feature, “Hurry Up and Act” is a must see for David Archuleta fans, as Jennette interviews David! “Locker Tours,” Jennette, Jerry, and Miranda show viewers what’s inside their lockers and while it would be more interesting for a set tour filled with funny set memories from the cast and crew, this is still a great feature. “Staring Contest” is self explanatory and this would be their interactive game in a sense, so all bases seem to be covered for special features. Hopefully in the future, the special features will be longer and there will be a feature dedicated to showing how an episode of the online show comes together or how the ideas for the skits on the web show come together. Overall, this DVD is a fantastic addition to your DVD collection.

DVD Information:
2-Disc Set/11 Episodes/316 Minutes

Own iCarly Season 2 Volume 1 on DVD today.