Review: Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams Special Edition

Remember when the Disney classics, Aladdin and Sleeping Beauty came out? Well here’s a look at what your favorite Disney Princesses from those films are up to today!

Today, Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams Special Edition releases on DVD, sharing the enchanted tales of Princess Aurora and Princess Jasmine in their own magical fairy castles.

The DVD begins with Disney’s Fast Play, getting to Princess Aurora’s tale first and Princess Jasmine’s tale second. It was so refreshing to watch these characters that I grew up with again while enjoying the new characters just as much. The musical numbers and orchestration were beautifully conducted. The tone of the tales, the bright and colorful illustration and animation were almost spot on from the original films, which was pleasant to see. From Princess Aurora’s tale, children learn not to take the easy way out in life and give their all in everything that they do. Princess Jasmine’s tale shows that with perseverance anything can happen. These tales teach children to believe in themselves, which is way more than many of today’s television does. This is why I love Disney. There is always a life lesson to take away. This DVD lived up to that expectation, so you will definitely be pleased with the messages these tales give to children. Now these tales are two 24 minute featurettes, not a sequel or extension of the classic Disney films. So if you keep that in mind, you too can watch and enjoy this DVD just as much as children will.

This Two-Disc DVD includes a new Bonus Disc featuring an exclusive sneak peek of Disney’s newest Princess from Princess and the Frog and 2 snippets of music videos from Cinderella IIand Mulan II. The music videos and illustration for these are short but superb (and catchy). The footage for Princess and the Frog is full of interview snippets with different Disney animators and directors, including a few shots of the film…so I doubt this will be of much interest to young children. The original Bonus Features include “Aurora Dress-Up” Game, “Find Sahara” Game, and “You’ll Never Lose This Love” music video featuring Belle from Beauty & The Beast. The children will enjoy the interactive games as well as the music video. The illustration for Belle was not very close to the original illustration, but the song was beautiful.

Overall, this DVD is a perfect addition to anyone’s Disney collection so if you do not already own Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams or are a hardcore Disney fan who loves special edition DVDs, this is a must buy!

DVD Information:
Aspect ratio: Widescreen (1:78:1)
Rated: G
Total episode run time: 56 minutes (Two 24-minute featurettes)
Languages: English, Spanish, French

Own Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams Special Edition on DVD today.