Nicole Oliver Talks Seven Deadly Sins and More

Nicole Oliver was recently cast in the four-hour miniseries Seven Deadly Sins. The series is based on Robin Wasserman’s ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ series. The project, directed by Jeff Renfroe, is slated for a 2010 premiere. Nicole plays high school Principal Ms. Lowenstein in the upcoming Lifetime series. That’s not her only upcoming project, as Nicole is also in busy with voice-over work as the narrator of the upcoming 2010 film, Heart of a Dragon. You may have seen Nicole on Psych, Outer Limits, and Stargate SG-1 just to name a few. While very busy, Nicole took the time out to talk to Hollywood the Write Way about Seven Deadly Sins and much more.

How did you get involved in the four-hour miniseries, Seven Deadly Sins?
I was asked to audition for this a few times but it just didn’t work into my schedule. Then I got a call from a casting director, saying that they really wanted me to put something on tape so I did and 2 days later I got the call to come to Victoria. The school that we were shooting at opened on a Tuesday so we had to do all of our work on the project before all of the kids went back to school. We got everything done in 2 weeks, just in time for me to get my kids ready for school.

Have you read the books that the miniseries is based on by Robin Wasserman?
Yes, I had heard of this because I have teenage nieces, and now that I’ve filmed it I want to read the books. So my niece is going to bring over the books so I can read them.

Did Robin Wasserman come on set?
She wasn’t there when I was filming but I think it would be cool if she had a cameo. That would be fun, especially for those fans of the series.

Of all of the deadly sins, which do you think that you have the most?
(laughs) On Sundays, I have a lot of sloth in me since I do so much during the week. It depends…if I’m sitting in front of a fabulous feast of food then I am definitely possessed by gluttony. I would like to think that I have lust…lust for life.

What was it like working with director, Jeff Renfroe?
It was wonderful! He is a great guy. The stuff that I have seen is beautiful. He would film the rehearsals sometimes too and he is very funny too!

Can you tell me about the upcoming film ‘Heart of a Dragon’ for which you do voice over work?
This is the dramatic retelling of a man’s intent to climb the Great Wall of China in his wheelchair. I am the narrator of the piece, his wife looking back on and telling the story. It is a story of friendship and being able to conquer your fears. It is beautiful. It should be released this fall.

What is your most challenging voice that you have portrayed over the years in all your voice over work?
What I find that is a little hard sometimes is when I am doing kid cartoons or Japanese animation, just the speed of what you have to say..unless I’ve had my coffee (laughs) is a little challenging sometimes. But you know it is fun doing voice overs! You can sound like anything, you can be anything and that is so freeing.

What are your remedies to take care of your voice?
I live by Neti Pot. I love hot water and lemon. Also, oil & oregano as well. Sleep. If all else fails, Scotch.

You recently appeared in a TV film, ‘Desperate Hours’ which is based on the true story of an abduction case. What did you find out that you didn’t know when it comes to the entire search for finding missing children?
What I learned is that the first 4 hours of when a child is abducted is when you have a great chance of finding them and after that it gets harder. It’s a very harsh reality, especially having 2 children of my own. It was very difficult. There is a scene where I think my daughter is home and I go upstairs and she is not there. I run outside and start banging on doors and I just fall apart. I just don’t want to believe that she is gone. That was really difficult to do because it’s a feeling no parent ever wants to feel.

What was it like working with producer Stan Lee when you starred as Agent Newell in the recently released to DVD animation movie, Mosaic?
To be able to say that I am in a Stan Lee project is fantastic! I will walk around with that proudly. It’s really cool. That’s something that is so great about what I do for a living, I get to meet some really amazing people, play and learn at the same time and that is a real gift.