After I posted my review of the One Tree Hill Season 6 DVD, I received a few emails with questions about the Special Features, so I wanted to answer them all in a post. If you have any questions about the special features, feel free to email me before August 24th at and the answers will be added here.
What’s in the Gag Reel & are Hilarie & Chad featured prominently?
The gag reel is 4 minutes and 4 seconds long. A few fans were worried that this gag reel is not funny based on my review and since many believe that the gag reels in the past were not that funny…but don’t lose hope. It’s a good gag reel. It’s way too short in my opinion. There were a few gag moments with Chad & Hilarie. There was a gag from the 1940s episode, yes. The gag reel starts out with Chad & Antwon at the basketball court and they are trying to make shots. Viewers also see Paul & Torrey DeVitto in Carrie’s house that was the fake hospital room and there’s a bug crawling on Paul, which was so funny! There’s a gag where Sophia’s shoe almost comes off when she’s walking out of the record label Peyton owns. There’s a gag where Bethany says “I never slept with anyone! Wait that’s not my line.” A small dancing montage it put together in the gag reel. There are also a few other gags in between all of this & it ends with Chad & James clapping and cheering!
Were there any unaired scenes with Hilarie & Chad? Were there any unaired scenes with James?
There is only 1 unaired scene with Chad & Hilarie and that is for the episode, “Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly.” James was in 5 unaired scenes.
So there is no special feature devoted to Chad & Hilarie leaving the show?
I wish there was!
In the special feature devoted to following Chad, Bethany, and James directing…were they featured equally?
This special feature is 13 minutes and 6 seconds long and yes, they are all featured in an equal amount of time. Chad is featured first, then Bethany, then James.
The way you write makes you seem young, how old are you?
I am a young college student and that is all I will say about that. Although I tried to keep this review simple and fun since I know that there are a lot of younger viewers for this show. When I review the Fringe Season 1 DVD soon, there will be an entirely different tone.
What music is featured when you put the DVD in?
There is a nice simple instrumental and I do not know who composed it.
One Tree Hill Season 6 releases on DVD August 25, 2009.