I’m mad that Natalie said Casey walked out without dignity. He left with hurt feelings for a good reason but he had his dignity impact. Ugh, Natalie annoys me. Anyway, it is good to see the house guests wondering who the person is that voted out Jordan. As for the HoH game…I am glad that Kevin won $5,000 but I’m disappointed both Kevin and Lydia were the first ones out of the game…even though there are no more cliques, I assume those 2 are alliances so they should have tried harder. I was also disappointed that Jeff did not win over Russell so I am hoping that Russell keeps his word to keep Jeff and Jordan safe. Let’s hope that includes no back dooring. Hopefully this new Jeff-Russell alliance is genuine. If so, Jordan should be safe for awhile. For now, Russell is on board as he kept both safe. The nominations, Ronnie and Lydia are great! Either going home would be fine with me. What I found quite funny was that Ronnie thinks he will get the mystery power. No, please no! I hope that Jordan, Jeff, or Kevin wins the mystery power. Only time will tell!