Chima sharing her survivor story was good to hear, because as she said, her story can encourage other women to share their stories. So that was good. On a lighter note, something that was fun was seeing Jeremy Piven come inside the BB house. Is it just me or are the luxury competitions too common…they happen too often this season? Honestly, I wasn’t really paying attention to this luxury/have not competition. I did understand that Jeff’s team are the have nots for the week, Jordan’s team saw the movie, and Russ won $10,000. If there’s anything I’m missing, let me know.
For food for the have-nots…my pick is sweet pickles and anchovies. As for the nominations…Russell and Lydia are no surprise. It must suck for Lydia being nominated practically every single week. Although I don’t feel that bad because all she talks about is people who are supposed to be her friends saving her. Friends are friends, not always alliances in the BB house. She can’t separate the two and that is a problem. It’s one thing if she had a lifelong friend in the house, but they’ve only known each other for 4 weeks so she need not depend on a “friend” in the BB house to save her butt. She needs a real plan. Russell trying to save his butt by apologizing was too little too late. He really needs to think about how he treats people because his game could be amazing but if he is treating people wrong, whether they are wrong or right…it can’t be good. No good can come out of that. I’d be happy if either of the two nominated went home because I like them equally in the BB house so only time will tell.