Big Brother 11 Week Three PoV July 28, 2009

There was nothing all that interesting going on until the veto competition. It was fun to see the house guests react to the competition, especially Chima. Too funny. I was glad that Michele won something but I was nervous to see if she would use the veto and who she would use it for. I was glad that Kevin said that the athletes are making the others do their dirty work for them. He said it perfectly. I was so glad that word got out about Jessie possibly putting up Casey because I wanted Casey to have the chance to save himself. I was thinking that hopefully, that talk he had with Jessie did so. It didn’t. I am so sad that Jordan and Casey are nominated. One of them is going home and that really sucks because I enjoy them both so much on the show and I wish the athletes didn’t have so much power over the house! I have a feeling the announcement for Thursday will be that they will no longer play as cliques or their cliques will be switched. I would like the announcement that Laura would come back but I highly doubt that is the announcement. Anyway, we’ll find out soon enough!

As for the have-nots food items this week…I’d choose brussel sprouts and borscht. Yes, I had to look up borscht to find out what the heck it was. These items seem the best of the 3 choices.