The introductions were great! I really got a great feel for everyone. Getting into the house…Natalie is an idiot for lying and saying that she was 18 instead of 24. There is so legitimate reason to make up such a lie. Don’t you have to be 21 to apply for the show and won’t the house guests notice the lie when they see her drinking on national television? Natalie is just annoying period.
As far as the first HoH competition went…the wedgie comp made me laugh so much! I love that whoever is the HoH, that entire clique is safe for a week! I would have loved to have seen Cowboy or Jessica come back into the BB house but Jesse won HoH and well…we will see how that goes. I don’t think Brian would have lasted being that everyone has seen how he plays the game. Other than that, the cliques are forced alliances so we will see how long that goes on – if they stick to their cliques or decide to split up into secret alliances. Casey said something about teaming up with the athletes which brings up an interesting option for alliances.
I am interested to see who Jesse puts up for nomination and what happens between nominations, the first POV, and right up till before the first eviction. This first week is crucial because it really sets the stage for who connects with who.
That is all I am going to write for now! Below you can see who is in what clique.
Kevin – Lydia – Casey (My least fave is Casey)
Jordan – Laura – Braden (My least fave is Braden)
Ronnie – Michele – Chima (I don’t have a least fave in this clique right now)
Jesse – Jeff – Russell – Natalie (My least fave is Natalie)