Big Brother 11 – Noms July 12, 2009

I absolutely loved the house guests’ reactions to Jessie entering the house. Jessie explaining what being the HoH was like with the example of kissing your best friend’s gf/bf was quite funny. What was also funny (but I wouldn’t want to be in the situation type funny) was the new system of slop, cold showers, and the “have not bedroom” instead of just slop when you lose a comp! I can understand why Chima would be upset about losing the comp because of the consequences of losing but seriously? This is Big Brother, expect the unexpected and deal with it to win that half million! Getting to the nominations…Jessie could have come up with a better speech! Now I have been watching bits and pieces of the live feed (thanks YouTube) so it was interesting to see on this episode that Russell pushed so hard on Jessie his belief that it would be better to nominate Lydia instead of Laura when on the live feed Natalie and Lydia ended up gunning for each other for a moment. Lydia was gunning after the wrong person. She needs to go after Russell. Although who people go after chances so often…

I know who won the PoV and it will be interesting to see if that person uses it or not. A lot has happened over the past few days and what I am really looking forward to… no matter who is evicted this week is which clique will win HoH next. As of right now, the athletes are running the show (and it doesn’t look like just while they are HoH) so I am so curious to see what happens over the next few weeks, days, hours!

If you don’t watch Showtime After Dark/Live Feed (or at least parts of it) and you do not want to read any spoilers…thanks for reading this post, that’s it for you. As for the rest of you…I can’t believe Russell got into a shouting match with Jeff over the PoV comp. Apparently, Jeff threw the comp and isolated himself from his clique and Russell had more than a few words for him. Team Russell vs. Team Jeff and I am on Team Jeff. Speaking of Jeff, I wonder if there really will be a showmance between him and Jordan. So far, they both deny it but who knows. One showmance that is clear is Natalie and Jessie. I am so over Natalie in general. One person I hope people aren’t “over” is Ronnie. I think that he is so excited to be in the BB house that he might be playing too hard. (Not as hard as Brian haha but you get my picture). So I really hope that doesn’t bite him in the butt. Speaking of butt… Braden is not as much fluff as I thought he was (at least not in the game of BB) so it will be interesting to see how far he gets in the game.

In closing…wouldn’t it be funny if Jessie was somehow voted out the same exact week he was voted out the last time he was in the house? Just sayin.

Well, that is all for now…more to come Tuesday!