Lydia blew up and got really upset at everyone for all of the wrong reasons. So what Jeff didn’t stick up for Lydia when Braden called her names. Lydia talks a lot of tough but can’t take a little name calling. Yes, it’s wrong but she needs to get over it. Anyway, I thought it was funny that Russell and Jeff sat next to each other during the eviction ceremony. Chima’s speech to save herself was full of attitude and personal hurt feelings aka her “melodramatic behind” in the words of Casey. Love the drama. Anyway, that was an incredibly bold move for Ronnie to vote to evict Braden and not Chima like he promised his own clique! Because of that move, it was a tie and Jessie targeted Braden so there is one less person in that clique. Braden was the first to leave the Big Brother house and that sucks to be the first one out.
As for the HoH comp, I thought it was terrible that Lydia eliminated Jordan. Lydia is a terrible friend for someone who wants a friend in the house. I found it interesting how Casey pondered who he wanted to eliminate from the game. He doesn’t want to be on anybody’s bad side. Although it’s just Jeff so I doubt Jeff thinks that Casey is a threat. Now that Ronnie has won the HoH, it will be interesting to see what happens during the week and even more interesting if there is a tie again for eviction because that would show his true colors. I can’t wait to see who is nominated on Sunday!