TV Week In Review

*Reviews May Contain Spoilers*

Chuck – Chuck vs. the Broken Heart

Ellie: I need to ask you a favor.
Morgan: Anything, anything. You can have my first born.

How interesting was it to see a new agent over Sarah’s place? I wonder if any viewers actually liked Agent Alex. It was frustrating to see Sarah sitting in the van doing nothing. It was also frustrating when Sarah was let go from Chuck’s mission. Got to love Sarah for being generous enough to start the search for Chuck’s father. How many times can you say “doctor” in one minute? Ha! I loved it.

The way that Awesome was brought to his bachelor party was not a way I would want to be brought to any party. It was however funny to find out from Jeff that Lester likes scrap booking. That was gross to find out what Jeff’s sister did and that she was doing her job in front of Jeff. The bachelor music was on point. I am hoping that the bachelor party will not cause much more of a conflict for Awesome and Ellie. Chuck should be able to come up with something next week to save them anymore trouble.

When Chuck took Awesome’s place and was kidnapped, I was very worried as to how the gang would find out about him. Thankfully Sarah came to the rescue, not Agent Alex. I am so glad that Casey told Agent Alex that Sarah was his best partner. The laughing gas was hilarious. I loved the ladybug talk. I was hoping that even though Sarah resumed her post after she saved the day, she would still give Chuck the letter about his father. Thankfully, she did. With that said…I cannot wait to see who Chuck’s father is!

Gossip Girl – Remains of the J

Jenny: I liked my social grave. I dug it myself and I was happy to lie in it.

While I enjoyed this episode, there is still room for improvement. The past few episodes have not reminded me why I love watching Gossip Girl. This episode has shown that the direction of the show is slowly getting back on track although I am worried about the slow part.

Anyway, getting to the episode…the show started out with a Blair/Serena scene based from the books. That was fun to see. I did not understand the purpose of the character, Poppy coming back kind of out of nowhere. Her character is a distraction to Serena’s storyline.

I also do not understand why Serena put her party girl image ahead of her duties to a friend. J said to the entire family that she did not want a party. Respect the birthday girl’s wishes, even if your ego has to be burned. Jenny does not seem like the person who would stick around for her own failure of a party. I would expect her to take Eric (and his boyfriend, Jonathan) and just escape. So that was odd. Maybe it went over my head but I do not know what Chuck’s motives are when it comes to Vanessa. It would seem like he would want Vanessa for more than just another person he could sleep with but the question is whether he really wants her or just wants her to make Blair feel bad. Chuck with Vanessa seemed very sudden though, given the way Chuck’s storyline with that other chic wrapped up.

Speaking of Vanessa, the conversation that she and Nate had when they met was so real, I loved it. Also, Vanessa’s purple dress for Jenny’s party was fabulous. Speaking of the party…as cliché as it is, I still laughed and shook my head when V kissed C in front of B and N. That was something. The look on Nate’s face was killer. V need not try to play the game and just be her. Dare I say sellout? Nate put it perfectly when he said she succeeded at trying to be like Blair. Oh Blair.

Blair is so funny. I laughed aloud when she took the glass and then bottle Dorota gave her upstairs with her to her room. Blair needs to give it a rest with trying to get back together with Nate. She needs to find herself and let Nate find himself. Nate has no idea what he wants, no matter who he is with. One person who knows what she wants is Lilly. Lilly was clever with slipping in the moving in idea to Rufus. Let’s hope that Rufus will find a way to keep Dan financially in Yale. When the day comes for the Humphreys and the Van der Woodsens to move in together, that will be a sight to see. What drama and entertainment that will bring.

I liked J’s hulu reference. I watch so many shows on hulu, it is ridiculous. So the most interesting part in this episode was at the very end, when we found out that Scott wrote to Dan. I cannot wait to see how that storyline plays out. I can totally see Jenny getting involved and having an emotional scene that really hits the heart. I must say that I thought the drama would hit the fan based on the promo for last week so when it didn’t quite hit that mark, I was a bit disappointed. While a good episode, I know there is more to Gossip Girl so I cannot wait to see it.

House – Locked In

Wilson: You’ll end up alone.

Mos Def as a special guest, playing Lee in this episode was something I have wanted to see for a long time. I loved how House was arguing with the other Doctor throughout the episode. This episode was written very well. The directing was not an easy task for something like this and it turned out great! You can definitely tell that there was a lot of work put into this.

I loved the Heroes reference. It is amazing how something so simple can cause something so drastic. I was glad that Lee also mentioned how he was being treated like a piece of furniture. Paralyzed with little way of communicating or not, I think any patient can relate to that. There were very little snark remarks from House in this episode. Although the remarks that he gave to Wilson about his privacy and such made me think about if House and Wilson will ever actually respect each other’s privacy. The ending was something else. I am looking forward to the next episode.

One Tree Hill – Letting Go

Sam: So about that kiss.
Jack: Well this is awkward.

The introduction was directed very well. This whole episode was directed very well. When Sam told the principal off and walked out of the classroom, I was so proud of her. I know that seems odd since she walked out of class, but if you watch the show, you know what I mean. She has grown up so much. Then when she and Jack got the class to go to Haley’s house, that was just the icing on top of the cake. Whether Haley goes back to teaching at the school or not, something needs to be done about that principal.

Was I the only one who was completely bored with Skills and Mouth in this episode? It was quite funny when Mouth saw Millicent at the party in his mind but that is all that was entertaining. I was pretty disappointed that Brooke’s storyline for this episode was all about whether or not she would leave for LA when we all knew that she would not go.

I loved Peyton’s reference to Jake when Brooke told Peyton about what was going on. We never know when we will see Stephen in an episode, so it was nice to see him giving advice to Brooke. While Lucas, Nathan, and Jamie bonding at Keith’s old place was nice to see., that is all that was seen in this episode. I hate to say it but…yawn. I really do not have anything else to say about this episode other than, overall it was decent.

When One Tree Hill returns in 3 weeks with only 5 episodes left of the season, there is going to be some major events based on the promo. The most important being how Peyton and Lucas make their exit from the show. It looks like a possibility of Peyton dying in some shape or form. I do not know how I feel about that but if she does die, I am sure it will be done in a tasteful way. Time will tell what happens.

Heroes – Into Asylum

Claire: You were supposed to be Superman.

What a great episode! Nathan and Claire, Angela and Peter… I loved the father and daughter, mother and son dynamic introducing the tone of the episode. I was hoping that Nathan would not blow it trying to make more money with the money Claire already made. Thankfully, Claire helped him out. It was quite an emotional scene when drunk Nathan was talking to Claire back at the hotel room. What a scene.

I was hoping that Angela and Peter would not get caught a second time. Thankfully HRG sounds the “all clear.” How much longer can HRG protect the heroes before he is the one that needs saving? Angela bringing the family together and bringing her sister into the mix will bring something amazing to the next few episodes, I am sure. Danko set HRG up, making it look like Sylar was murdered.

Speaking of Sylar, he is a beast, man. I love how he lets Danko think that he will actually be able to take a shot at him after all is said and done. The setup was great when they found the shape shifter. I thought the shape shifter was Danko the second time around but he had turned into Sylar, so that was fun to see. This episode definitely stands out to me this season. It definitely shifts the tone of the show because it is setting up for so much to come.

90210 – Life‘s A Drag

Silver: I want you to fix all of this!

Was all that noise needed when Naomi was kissing Liam in the beginning? Her storyline was so hyped up the past few weeks and it really wasn’t all that special.

Neither was Annie and Ethan’s storyline. Annie that Ethan are so hypocritical together. There was not enough Adrianna and Navid in this episode. Although seeing as how this episode was all about Silver and Dixon, I can understand why. Silver is so in love. At first, it was fun to see her so giddy but she has been turning into a psycho stalker. Once again, she does not know how to handle showing her love and affection like a regular human being. She really went above and beyond, showing her class a bit of her and Dixon having sex! That is bananas!

Even after, it is obvious that she did not realize the damage that she caused. She really did not have to get rid of the video the way that she did. Silver is such a psycho drama queen. While the last scene seemed a bit sudden and oddly acted, the promo for next week is good! I cannot wait to see what happens next!

Samantha Who? – The Dog

Sam: At least now I know that when I’m ready, I might not have to fly solo.

Sam’s reaction was hilarious when Todd told her about her Uncle’s death. That random lady who said, “I have waited so long to see Walter dead” was weird. You don’t say that at a funeral, especially to someone you don’t know.

While I thought the episode would have more focus on mingling and getting to know her family, it ended up being something else. It does not surprise me that Sam took the dog as practice for having a real child. Regina’s ignorance is so funny.

Can you believe her talk about being the first woman to ride a plane around the world? Ha! Andrea is ridiculous, not telling the press she was not pregnant until she found out that she could not drink. Sam learned a good lesson about responsibility and this was a great episode that may or may not referenced in a future episode if Sam does have a baby.

Terminator: SCC – Adam Raised A Cane

Sarah: No one can be trusted.
Cameron: But I only want to kill him.

The introduction was the best intro this season! That was amazing. Wow. Right away, we knew that this episode would heavily way on Savannah. The yellow van was scary from the moment it pulled up. Thankfully John saved Savannah.

When the terminator shot Derek, I shrieked, Oh My God!” No! No! No! I cannot believe it. This was the major death that was talked about during Comic Con. No! Even though we all knew it had to be either him or Ellison, it was still really terrible to see. I do not think that Sarah realized that Ellison can’t just leave things be because like he said, he has tried to leave it alone but every time he turns around, there Sarah is. Leave it to Savannah to tell John that Ellison and her “mom” talk to John Henry.

The look on John’s face when he found this out was priceless. Another heavy moment was when Cameron told John that Sarah was going to leave him with Charlie because she thought she was dying of the cancer. I cannot believe how Ellison set Sarah up. What an ending. Wow. This was a fantastic episode! This is why I love TSCC. This is why. Brilliant.