Talking With Silhouette from Watchmen

The much anticipated feature film, Watchmen releases in theaters today. So I wanted to share an interview that I had with an actress from the film. She is not only an actress, but an opera singer, fitness model, and sculptor. Watchmen fans know her as Silhouette, but her real name is Apollonia Vanova.

Had you read the graphic novel, Watchmen prior to being cast?
Yes, I did.

What attracted you to the role of the Silhouette?

I found the Silhouette very intriguing and it was exciting just to be part of the Watchmen cast.

What was it like working with director, Zack Snyder?
It was great! He was really friendly with everyone and he gave me a lot of freedom as far as playing the Silhouette the way that I wanted to. He asked me what I wanted to do, I showed him, and he said that was great. He was also very true to the graphic novel with every scene that we set out to do. He always had the graphic novel with him.

Have you had any encounters with the Watchmen fan base?
I have had some encounters but not a lot. (laughs)

They are still looking for someone to play Wonder Woman. Would that
be a role you would be interested in doing?

I would love that role. That would be great. One thing with Silhouette is that it was not a big role. It was a great character, the role was just not that big. So that role would be amazing.

Of all the roles on television and in film, which filming location has been the best?
I would say Watchmen. The location was perfect, the ambiance, the setting and people I was working with were all great.

How did you become interested in opera?
I am originally from Slovakia and I grew up playing the piano but when we came to Canada, we didn’t have money for a piano so I just started singing. Opera is very much like acting, it is very grand. I love being on stage.

When performing opera, do you have a favorite theatre?
My favorite theatre, and I have never performed there but I hope that I will perform there one day is La Scala. Hopefully that will happen one day.

When did you become interested in fitness and entering competitions?
It came along with acting because I was cast in a lot of roles that were very physical. I don’t really enjoy going to the gym (laughs). If I have a competition coming up, that will really get me in the gym.

So what is training like for competitions?
The hardest part is the diet. It is okay to go to the gym for an hour a day but to watch your diet throughout the entire day, that is the hardest part.

What is your favorite thing to snack on?
Dark chocolate.

A lot of your acting work has been in the science-fiction/action
genre. Is that something you consciously seek out or has it just
turned out that way?

I think because of my physique and my look, that is how it turns out, which is great.

How active were your parents in what you wanted to do as a career?

My parents were really supportive. They realized when I was a child that I was artistic and they encouraged my artistic talents. When we came to Canada and I moved to British Columbia by myself, there was nothing else I wanted to do except for acting, art, and singing. They were very supportive and I am very glad because sometimes it is hard to get work. A lot of times I speak to people and their parents want them to be doctors, lawyers, or something more stable. Although I am very luck to have parents that realize what I love and will encourage it.

How old were you when you came to Canada?

I came to Canada when I was ten.

What were your first impressions of America?
How big it was, how vast it was. Everything in Europe is just so much more condensed.

How often to visit home in Slovakia?
Every year. It has changed, it is no longer a communist country so everything is different.

Finally, what are some standouts in your DVD collection?
Well, I have 2 seasons of Rome, Deadwood, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, etc.