Breakout Star of 09 – Antonique Smith

The first time I heard of and saw Antonique Smith was when I saw Rent on Broadway on April 1, 2007. She played the role of Mimi Marquez that night and I loved her interpretation of the character. I couldn’t stay for stage door that night, but luckily I got the chance to talk with her almost 2 years later, a lot longer than I would have at stage door.

I got to pick her brain about Rent, her role in the film Notorious, and her upcoming debut album. If you didn’t know her name before, you do now and you should get used to it because she is one of 2009‘s breakout stars.

Where were you when you found out that you got the part as Faith Evans in Notorious?

I was at home sitting on my couch when George Tillman called me. He said, “Hey, how are you?” and I said, “I’m good” and then there was a pause before he said “Let’s make a movie.” I started jumping around the house and everything.

In a previous interview with Theater Mania, you mentioned that you got to talk to Faith Evans before and during shooting but when did you meet her?
I actually met her back in the 90s. I didn’t know her but the first conversation we had once I got the role, she said that she had remembered me. She said that when they told her I was auditioning, she thought I was perfect, so that was a nice ice breaker.

Was there a lot of research that you did for the film?
Even though there was a lot that I remembered, there was a lot of stuff that I did not know, simply from being on that outside angle before. I remember looking through articles and found a lot of rumors saying that she married Biggie for money and fame. Through talking to her, she let me borrow the manuscript for her book a few months before it came out. She really loved him. I really wanted to fight hard to bring the love that they had through because that was the part that we took for granted. We saw a lot of drama in those days, so I went to George and a couple of new scenes were added. I liked the wedding scene. I didn’t know that even though they had broken up, before he died they wanted to be together. They were still very much in love. The first line of her manuscript was like an “Ah ha” moment. That messed me up. It is “I thought I had more time.”

Across the Universe
Moving onto a lighter note… tell me about the auditioning process for Across the Universe?

That was actually pretty easy. I went and I knew it was for a hooker. I wore some short shorts, a tank top, and some heels. I went in there and I sang, “Come Together.” I had a callback and they had me and a couple of other girls sing together and then the thing you know, I booked it. It was kind of like shooting one night for television. It was no different than shooting the episode of Law & Order that I was in (Under God) or 100 Centre Street. So it did not prepare me at all for Notorious! (laughs)

Movie Roles
Are you looking for any specific genre of roles?

I definitely want to challenge myself. I consider myself funny so I would love to do comedies. I have been doing dramatic roles which I love, so I just want to continue to challenge myself. I have loved everything I have done so far, so I just want to enjoy the whole process.

I have loved everything you have done so far too, especially Rent.

Thank you!

You were actually my first Mimi.

Aww! When was that?

April 2007.

Oh, yeah I was there for a short time then.

I am also on your message board too but you haven’t been on there in awhile.

No, I haven’t. I got on there but I kind of got discouraged because someone on there sort of got a little crazy. So it kind of turned me off to the whole thing. Now, I’m just too busy. I am so behind on the message board, my myspace, and facebook!

Well, going back to Rent, what did you think about Rent closing the first time it was announced?
I was so sad! Honestly, once they extended it, I thought that they weren’t going to close it. They had invited me back and I had said no, but I just didn’t think they were going to close it. So on September 7th I was there crying. As I was sitting there, I thought, “I could’ve came back.” I did have time to come back so I kind of felt bad, a little regretful. I thought that they were playing games – close it and then not really close but sell more tickets while telling people they were going to close it but not really closing it…and then they really closed it. (laughs). But I was so honored to have Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp request me of all the Mimi actresses in the world from the past 12 years to go on the National Tour with them. I had to really sit down and think about it. They asked me around August of last year but I would have missed all of this! I probably wouldn’t even be talking to your right now. It was just an honor that they wanted me to do it. But I think I am definitely where I am supposed to be right now.

Every time I have seen Rent, no matter who the Mimi was, I thought, “Please do not fall” on “Out Tonight.”

We are thinking the same thing. After doing it for so long, it is not scary anymore. When you first learn it and when you leave for awhile and come back, like I did for 6 months once and for 3 years once…man! That first rehearsal is terrifying. After doing it for awhile though, you really don’t think about it. You actually start to get a little crazy, when you are not holding on, and just being loose.

Now, I also saw a video on YouTube when you played Maureen.
I was the first black person to play Maureen. Playing Maureen was the coolest thing.

How many times did you get to do that?
A lot actually. I went on more for Maureen than Mimi until I became Mimi and then, that was it. They liked my Maureen. That’s why I say I think I can do comedy because Maureen is crazy.

Do you plan on returning to Broadway?
At some point, definitely. If we have a SAG strike, I might have to right now! (laughs) I think I really want to do film and my album. The last time I left Rent in 07, I was just taking a leap of faith and I knew I was going to get something. A few weeks later I got the call for an audition for Notorious. That leap of faith was good, God blessed me. I’d say it will be a few years before I return to Broadway. I kind of want to go back as a star. I want to make a name for myself worldwide and then come back like Matthew Brodwick and Nathan Lane. I want to come back and do a show, with my name above the title, you know? Unless something major comes back and it’s like, “Oh my God, it doesn’t matter, I just really want to do this show.”

Debut Album

You mentioned your album, but what record label are you under?
I am not with a label right now. I haven’t decided who I am going with. I have gotten a lot of phone calls lately, from people who have seen Notorious. I want to be as selective about that as I am with films. This is like a marriage, the record label is a long term thing. So I have kind of put everyone on hold because I am so busy right now with promoting Notorious. I have a lot of scripts on the table too.

Describe the sound of how you want your album to be like.
I grew up singing in church. I studying young Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey but I listen to hp hop, rock, pop and so it’s going to be a cool fusion. Some can’t imagine how those genres can mesh well but they do.

Do you prefer writing by yourself or co-writing?
I mostly write by myself. I don’t mind co-writing. Most of my songs I’ve written sitting on the bed or by the couch by the radio or at the piano. I am used to writing by myself. If a producer has already made the music and I write the song which is also considered co-writing, I have done a lot of that. As far as sitting with another writer and writing on the spot, I haven’t done a lot of that. To me, it’s hard to open up to a new person. I do not have that many relationships with writers where I can do that yet.

Do you plan on having any NY gigs soon?

It’s interesting because my schedule is not my own right now. I’m flowing with where I have to go and what interviews I have to do and stuff. It is cool though! It is what I have been dreaming of but right now no gigs.

Antonique is from East Orange, New Jersey, so I had to ask her about Jersey.
What are your favorite things to do in NJ?
I am kind of a home body. I like to sit home and watch my TiVo. I can’t live without my TiVo. I also like to go to the movies. I love to go to Six Flags Great Adventures with the season pass. I remember going there with some cast members of Rent. I have some lifetime friends from Rent.

For more Antonique Smith, visit her on Myspace.