Billy Boy on Poison

I want to introduce you to a band that I was introduced to not too long ago. If you watch The CW, you may have heard their song, “On My Way” play in the background of a Gossip Girl promo commercial. Needless to say, Billy Boy On Poison is going places. So get to know the band below.

When and how did you all come together and decide to form a band?
In 2005, Davis was going to start a solo project, but decided to go in the direction of having a rock band, so he made some calls, and we had our first official show in April of 06.

How long did it take to find Greg after the band was together?
Well, we lost a guitar player in the summer of 2007. We auditioned what seemed like hundred of people, and none of them had the right “umph”… then Greg came and was the answer to our prayers. it was a few good solid months of auditioning to find him though! haha

Davis & Jes, as cousins, is it harder or easier working together?
Well, I would say easier… we don’t overstep our boundaries because we know each other so well. plus we have an underlying bond and unconditional love, so if there is a disagreement, its easy to put aside when we leave the workplace.

Describe what each band mate brings to the band.
Ryan is the unexpected genius. He’s a tasteful and very creative guitar player, and brings a lot to the table in dedication and performance.
Greg has grown into one of my best friends. He is off beat, quirky, and has no inner dialogue, but he is one of the most well rounded and expressive musicians I have ever met.
Davis is out of his mind in the best way possible. He has one of the best ears on the planet, and a voice that gives you the chills to go with them.
Ryan: I like Keith Richards and Jack White. I love tone and slide guitar. I bring anxiety to the band.

Think back to the day the band was signed to Kiefer Sutherland’s independent record label, Ironworks Music and describe that day.
It was amazing. I think that is one of the most memorable moments in all of our lives. it warms you inside to think that something you have taken so long to create is finally being taken notice of.

As far as writing goes, how do you guys like to write – by yourself and then bringing it to the band, co writing from the start, etc…?
All of the above. ideas are flowing around constantly.
Ryan: We usually come up with ideas by ourselves then we show them to each other and we fuse them together if they work out.

Where is your favorite place to play in LA?
Umm…I have no idea. I mean, obviously, the Nokia was an honor and great experience, but the sunset venues are great because of the intimacy you have with the audience.
Ryan: Club Nokia and Unknown Theatre

Did the music video for “On My Way” come out?
It has not come out yet. but hopefully soon! It was a lot of hard work and something for EVERYONE involved to be proud of. Our deepest gratitude goes out to the crew and ironworks.

What is it like shooting a music video?
It’s not easy. haha It’s a lot of hot lights, and doing the same thing over and over again. But its a fun bonding experience for us.
Ryan: It’s stressful, it takes a long time, and there are not enough coffee breaks.

How long was the recording process for “Sweet Mess” and what was the best part about recording?
The recording process was probably about a year in total. The best part is probably getting to spend so much time with each other and bond. Our creative juices really get flowing, and we really respect and value each others roles in the project.

Where outside of the US has the band traveled and any plans on traveling soon?
We haven’t gone out yet, but we will be out to London soon and we’ll be playing south by southwest in Austin, Texas.

Is there a tour in the works for this year?

How did you find out that your song would end up in a Gossip Girl promo and is there some sort of deal with them where we will hear more of you on the show?
Well, I’m not completely sure. I heard it and was surprised myself! haha so I guess that answers part 2, I won’t know and will probably find out when you do!
Ryan: My sister watches it and I saw the promo for the season. I had no idea our song got picked. It tripped me out.