Mini Interview: Parker of Big Brother 9

Hey guys! Here is a mini interview that I conducted with Parker from Big Brother 9:

On Big Brother 10:

What do you think about Renny since a lot of people did not love her in the beginning but she later became a favorite?
I was always a Renny fan from the beginning. People gave her a bad rep because she can come off as a little crazy at first. There was just something about her. She is a beautiful lady and I really do respect her and her game. I have nothing but good things to say about Renny.

What do you think about the Keesha and April fight?
It’s so funny seeing two blondes go at it, you know what I mean? I had a chance to hang out with April after the finale. I was not a fan of April on the show and I told her to her face. She knows she was not liked too much. After hanging out with her, she is a nice girl. That house just does something to you and you can never understand that until you walk through those doors. People do not need to judge her for the time that she was in the house. Keesha is cool too. Actually meeting these people brings an entirely new perspective to it.

Were you rooting for Dan or Memphis?
Dan. Memphis didn’t really do anything and did not deserve it.

On Eviction:

Do you think it is better to be evicted before the jury house or to get into the jury house?
Part of me would have loved to be in the jury house because you have a little bit more power but another part of me was really glad that I was evicted early on. As you progress in the game, you start to get a little bit nasty and it would not have been good. I walked away with people thinking I was okay (laughs). A lot of people did not like the fact that I was pissed that I was going home but until you put yourself in my shoes, you can never know how you would react. I was angry and upset because I had no control over me going home and I stand by that 100%.