TV Talk: Week in Review ’14 – ’15 #28

Reviews for Spring TV Shows Which Aired
March 29 – April 4, 2015

* New series in CAPS
* Reviews May Contain Spoilers

Once Upon a Time (ABC) – Episode 4.17 “Best Laid Plans”
This week was not as interesting, not nearly as captivating as last week but hey, now we know who the author is which means next week’s episode is bound to be an awesome episode.

The Walking Dead (AMC) – Episode 5.16 “Conquer”
Check out my recap and review of this week’s episode over on

Photo Credit: Jordin Althaus/FOX

Episodes 1.07 “She Drives Me Crazy” & 1.08 “Mooovin’ In”

Phil’s toilet pool is stinking up the entire neighborhood so when Phil holds a meeting to get Melissa and Todd to stop playing music so loud when they have sex, the tables turn on him as there’s a vote for him to clean out his nasty pool. Well, Phil has still not come to terms with Melissa and Todd being together so he drives Todd out into the middle of nowhere with the intention to leave him but he can’t do it. He can’t do it. And that was the best part of the episode. Phil turning back. I loved that moment. He’s a jerk but deep down he still knows what the right thing to do is. That was great to see. Plus, I’m sure, even if he did leave Todd, Todd would find his way back eventually. Anyway, solid episode even if I’m pretty much over Phil’s infatuation with Melissa.

In “Mooovin’ In,” Phil is on a mission to impress everyone since everyone is quite annoyed with his shenanigans. Cue a cow walking into town. Phil thinking that he can dictate and kill the cow instead of voting is hilarious. Chaos ensues. But the best part? Carol moving in with Phil after the cow comes into her house. Aka after she brings the cow into her home and manipulates the situation to her advantage. Go, Carol! What an awesome twist! Overall, these episodes weren’t my favorite but they were solid.

Scorpion (CBS) – Episode 1.20 “Crossroads”
This week was great and was another example of why I enjoy this show so much. I love how the stakes raise so significantly at the end of each act and seeing the minds of the Scorpion team at work as they use their smarts to creatively get out of the most harrowing circumstances. The writers are killing it!!! What a tense, fast paced, thrilling hour of Scorpion, yet again. Another winner in the books!

Castle (ABC) – Episode 7.19 “Habeas Corpse”
I really enjoyed the competition this weekend that had Beckett nervous and Castle, well, same old exciting, competitive Castle but it’s always entertaining to see Castle’s competitive side so… as for the case of the week? It was funny seeing the writers incorporate a personal injury lawyer since everyone who watches TV has seen those commercials. This is definitely an episode that anyone can enjoy, whether they are a longtime Castle fan or just tuning in for the first time. Great episode! Fun. Fun.

Photo Credit: Ray Mickshaw/FOX

New Girl (FOX) – Episode 4.19 “The Right Thing”
Loved the stories this week. While I did laugh throughout the episode, I liked that the stories were really captivating and moving this week. I also loved seeing Nasim Pedrad (Saturday Night Live, Scream Queens) again. Always a pleasure seeing her. She is hilarious. Absolutely hysterical. Great episode. A stand out for the stories this week and probably one of my favorites due to this very reason.

Face Off (Syfy) – Episode 8.12 “Deadly Dolls”
Read my review of this week’s episode here.

Photo Credit: TBS

Cougar Town (TBS)
Episode 6.13 “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” (Series Finale)

It feels like yesterday I was watching the series premiere and here we are at the end of Cougar Town – I mean Sunshine State (nice opening title sequence there!!!). I loved the lengths everyone went to in order to surprise Jules with the best birthday ever and I thought it was so fitting and just perfect for Laurie and Travis to move into Grayson’s house across the street. Way to make Jules’s life! Ha ha. Loved the deja vu throw back and the others. This finale was great. I’m really going to miss this show but I’m so glad that they had six awesome seasons. What a fun ride!

Arrow (The CW) – Episode 3.18 “Public Enemy”
Quentin knows that Oliver is the Arrow?! At first, I thought, what revelations are left to share?! I was not expecting that so soon after he found out about his dead daughter. And then silly Roy came forward as the Arrow to protect Oliver. Cue eye roll. I understand why Roy did what he did, I just wish Oliver could take some responsibility already. It’s going to be a %*@! storm after Oliver is indeed revealed as the Arrow but it would be worth it, I think. What do you think?

The Middle (ABC) – Episode 6.18 “Operation Infiltration”
This week was solid. I loved that Frankie realized her past blunders and see the struggle of handling situations so differently with each kid who has such different personalities. I loved Sue realizing that Axl was using her. I’m sure if he had asked or just been upfront, she would have been understanding and used the situation as leverage. Though, in the end, they were both being used so… agh! Siblings. Ha ha. Not necessarily a memorable episode but still, solid.

Modern Family (ABC) – Episode 6.19 “Grill, Interrupted”
It’s Jay’s birthday and the adults all find themselves paying him back from years ago and hilarity ensues. I think it was funnier watching Luke and Manny drink alcohol! Ahhh!! Ha ha ha ha. Oh man. Hilarious. Meanwhile, Alex is still down about college (love the Haley/Jay scene near the end) and Haley is trying to avoid having the talk about what went down at the hospital earlier. Great episode! Funny. Moving. It had everything in it that makes me love this show so much. Excited for next week.

Photo Credit: ABC

Black-ish (ABC) – Episode 1.18 “Sex, Lies and Vasectomies”
I can’t believe Dre never got the vasectomy he told Rainbow he got years ago and now Rainbow thinks her being late is just a cute feeling from yesteryear. Ha! One of my favorite moments was Dre throwing a glass of water on Rainbow in her sleep and saying she was having a nightmare when she woke up! Ha ha ha! I am so glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I saw that, I would have spit it all out in a major fit of laughter. This was easily one of the most hilarious episodes of the season. One of my favorites. Laughs in every scene, every line. Bravo, writers!

Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) – Episode 11.18 “When I Grow Up”
This was a solid episode though I feel like we’ve had a field trip to the hospital before? Not to say that it can’t be done more than once. Obviously, it happens more than once. I just thought it was a bit dry. I kept waiting for something shocking to happen in the sense of stakes raising more than they did and they didn’t so… good episode but a bit of a missed opportunity to really take it much, much further and make it more intense and emotionally gripping.

Scandal (ABC) – Episode 4.18 “Honor Thy Father”
Wow! What a quiet and yet incredibly exciting episode! Talk about ruthless. Olivia’s congressmen B story was interesting at first but the A story was really what it was all about. B613 drama! And how’d you feel about the half sister storyline? I liked the idea of it and even the execution though I wanted more. I hope that isn’t the end of it. But can we talk about that ending though?!!! Olivia’s new beau knocking on Liv’s door only for her to open it and also find her father there too?! Yes!!!! April 16th can’t come soon enough!